WTF is a model? by Joe Reis
Author: Joe Reis (find the original here: https://joereis.substack.com/p/joes-nerdy-rants-5?, We are republishing this blog with permission of Joe Reis.) “We are not modeling reality, but the way information about reality is processed, by people.” – William Kent (Data and Reality, 1978). The world of data is so jumbled that you might be forgiven for not being…
Why is data modelling essential now?
Let’s start with a question: Why do we store data? Our obligations to govern our organisations forces us. We need to be able to answer to various stakeholders on what, why, how long questions. You need to know what is going on in your organisation to govern it and data is used for that for…
Fully Communication Oriented Information Modeling
Fully Communication Oriented Information Modeling (FCO-IM) is a method for building conceptual information models. Such models can then be automatically transformed into entity-relationship models (ERM), Unified Modeling Language (UML), relational models, data vault models, and many other artifacts. FCO-IM is widely taught in the Netherlands and worldwide, amongst which are universities of Professional Education in…